As a step to raise capital to meet the global capital
adequacy ratio (CAR) requirement, public sector Punjab National Bank on Tuesday
said it has raised Rs. 1000 crore in domestic market via private placement of
PNB garnered Rs. 1,000 crore through long-term bonds which
have a coupon rate of 8.23 % on February 9, the bank said in a statement.

As per the Basel III norms on CAR, all public-sector banks
will need capital infusion of Rs 2,40,000 crores by 2018, the Finance Ministry
has said. The Government plans to infuse capital to these banks in stages and
has allocated Rs 11,200 crore for this in the current fiscal. Of this, PNB was
allocated Rs 870 crore.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has stressed the need for
capital infusion in his budget speech and said while public ownership will be
retained, there will be an expansion of shareholding in a phased manner. Shares
of these banks will be sold in a phased manner, he had noted.
What is Basel III?
Basel III (or the Third Basel Accord) is an international,
voluntary regulatory standard on banking. Primarily, the accord focuses on
regulations related to capital adequacy, market liquidity risk and stress testing.
The basic principles were agreed upon by the members of the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision in 2010–11.

About Punjab National
Punjab National Bank (PNB), one of the largest nationalized
banks, was established 120 years ago. The bank has 6081 branches including 5
foreign branches, 6940 ATMs with a customer base 8.9 crore. PNB, has strong
fundamentals, good brand image and enjoys trust among customers. The Bank
offers wide range of products and services to cater to every kind of need.
The Bank has won many laurels and accolades in recognition of its overall performance. Recently, PNB was awarded the Golden Peacock Innovative Product/Service Award 2014 by Institute of Directors, It also bagged the ‘Global CSR Excellence and Leadership Award’ for ‘Organisations with Best CSR Practices’ and ‘Bank with leading Financial Inclusion Initiatives Award’ by ABP News and “Vigilance Excellence Award” by Institute of Public Enterprises, New Delhi.
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